Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static CustomItem |
AdditionsAPI.getCustomItem(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item) |
static CustomItem |
AdditionsAPI.getCustomItem(java.lang.String idName) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static<CustomItem> |
AdditionsAPI.getAllCustomItems() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CustomItem[] |
AdditionsAPIInitializationEvent.getCustomItems() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<CustomItem> |
AdditionsAPIPostInitializationEvent.getCustomItems() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AdditionsAPIInitializationEvent |
AdditionsAPIInitializationEvent.addCustomItem(CustomItem cItem) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CustomItem |
PlayerCustomItemDamageEvent.getCustomItem() |
CustomItem |
PlayerCustomItemBreakEvent.getCustomItem() |
CustomItem |
CustomItemEvent.getCustomItem() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PlayerCustomItemDamageEvent |
PlayerCustomItemDamageEvent.setCustomItem(CustomItem cItem) |
Constructor and Description |
CustomItemEvent(CustomItem cItem) |
PlayerCustomItemBreakEvent(org.bukkit.entity.Player player,
org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack brokenItem,
CustomItem cItem) |
PlayerCustomItemDamageEvent(org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemDamageEvent event,
CustomItem cItem) |
PlayerCustomItemDamageEvent(org.bukkit.entity.Player player,
org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack what,
int damage,
CustomItem cItem) |
Constructor and Description |
CustomItemConfig(CustomItem cItem) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Creates a Custom Item with the ItemType ARMOR and the ArmorDurability
Durability Mechanics.
class |
A Custom Bow.
class |
A Custom Armor that is made of a leather armor material.
class |
Creates a CustomItem of the ItemType TOOL.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CustomItem |
CustomItem.addAllCustomRecipes(java.util.List<? extends CustomRecipe> recipes)
Adds all of the specified recipes to the list of CustomShapedRecipes.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.addAttribute(Attributes.AttributeType type,
double amount,
org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot slot,
Attributes.Operation operation)
Adds an Attribute to the CustomItem.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.addAttribute(Attributes.AttributeType type,
double amount,
org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot slot,
Attributes.Operation operation,
java.util.UUID uuid)
Adds an Attribute to the CustomItem.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.addAttribute(java.lang.String name,
Attributes.AttributeType type,
double amount,
org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot slot,
Attributes.Operation operation,
java.util.UUID uuid)
Adds an Attribute to the CustomItem.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.addCustomRecipe(CustomRecipe recipe)
Adds the specified recipe to the list of CustomShapedRecipes.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.addEnchantment(org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment enchantment,
int level)
Adds an Enchantment to the CustomItem.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.addForbiddenEnchantment(org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment forbiddenEnchantment)
Add an Enchantment to the list of forbidden enchants.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.addForbiddenEnchantment(java.util.List<org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment> forbiddenEnchantments)
Add an Enchantment list to the list of forbidden enchants.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.addItemFlag(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemFlag itemFlag)
Add an ItemFlag to the CustomItem.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.addLoreLine(java.lang.String lore)
Adds a line to the Lore that will be included with the CustomItem.
CustomItem |
Remove all Attribtues from the Custom Item
CustomItem |
CustomItem.clone() |
CustomItem |
StorageCustomItem.getCustomItem() |
CustomItem |
CustomItemStack.getCustomItem() |
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setAmount(int amount)
Set the Amount of the Custom Item
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setAttributes(java.util.List<Attributes.Attribute> attributes) |
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setAttributeVisibility(boolean attributeVisibility)
Set whether the attribute text in the item lore will be visible or not.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setBurnTime(int ticks)
Set the burn time of a Custom Item in ticks when placed in a furnace.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setCanBePlacedVisibility(boolean canBePlacedVisibility)
Set whether the text that shows on which blocks this can be placed on in the
item lore is visible or not.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setCanDestroyVisibility(boolean canDestroyVisibility)
Set whether the text that shows which blocks this item can mine in the item
lore is visible or not.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setCombinedInCrafting(boolean canBeCombined)
Set if the item can be Combined in a Crafting Table.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setDisplayName(java.lang.String displayName)
Set the display name of the Custom Item.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setDurability(short durabilityShort)
Set the Durability of the Custom Item.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setDurabilityMechanics(ItemDurability itemDurability)
These determine how the durability of the CustomItem, both for Fake and real
durability, will drop.
CustomItem |
CustomArmor.setDurabilityMechanics(ItemDurability itemDurability)
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setEnchantable(boolean canBeEnchanted)
Set if the item can be Enchanted.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setEnchantmentVisibility(boolean enchantmentVisibility)
Set whether the enchantments in the item lore are visible or not.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setFakeDurability(int durability)
Sets the Durability for the Fake Durability lore.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setHoeAbilities(boolean hoeAbilities)
This is useful if you would like to create a Custom Item with no special abilities. |
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setIdName(java.lang.String IdName)
Set the CustomItem's IdName.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setLore(java.util.List<java.lang.String> string)
Set the lore of the CustomItem.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setMaterial(org.bukkit.Material material)
Set the Material of the Custom Item
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setPotionEffectsVisibility(boolean potionEffectVisibility)
Set whether the text that shows the potion effect this item will include when
consumed in the item lore is visible or not.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setUnbreakable(java.lang.Boolean unbreakable)
Set the Custom Item to be Unbreakable or not.
CustomItem |
CustomItem.setUnbreakableVisibility(boolean unbreakableVisibility)
Set whether the unbreakable tag in the item lore will be visible or not.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
CustomItem.compareTo(CustomItem cItem)
Compare the CustomItems in regards to their durability.
Constructor and Description |
CustomItemStack(CustomItem cItem)
Create a new CustomItemStack.
CustomItemStack(CustomItem cItem,
short durability,
java.lang.String texture)
Create a new CustomItemStack.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
CustomItem that contains at least one Texture since it implements
ModelInjector. |
class |
CustomItem that contains at least one Texture since it implements
ModelInjector. |
class |
CustomItem that contains at least one Texture since it implements
ModelInjector. |
class |
CustomItem that contains at least one Texture since it implements
ModelInjector. |
class |
CustomTool that contains at least one Texture since it implements
ModelInjector. |
Constructor and Description |
ElytraDurabilityTask(org.bukkit.entity.Player player,
org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack elytra,
CustomItem cItem) |