Class | Description |
BlockModel |
A block model, can be used to generate json string to be used in the resource pack.
DisplayEntry |
Describes the rotation, translation, scale of a model in a certain perspective.
Note: translations are applied to the model before rotations |
DisplayOptions |
Defines how this model look in different perspectives
ElementFaceEntry |
Contains the properties of the specified face.
ElementFaceOptions |
Holds all the faces of the cube.
ElementRotation |
describes how a
ModelElement rotates. |
ItemModel |
A model used for an item
Model |
A basic model
ModelElement |
An element that comprise a model.
OverrideEntry |
change the model of an item depends on the state of the item.
Note: a model that is overrode can not be override again,(No nested override) |
Predicate |
states of an item
Enum | Description |
ModelAxis |
the axises used by the model system.
ModelFace |
Faces of a model